Monday, 17 June 2013

School Diary

This is week 6 of our school term and we have many interesting events coming up.One of these events is the our Parent Information Evening which will be held on Week 11. This evening will be a special one for the parents and the teachers because we will showcase what their children have done in their respective classrooms . The teachers will also have speeches read out to the parents and there will also be presentations on the topic WATER.. I must say that this has generated a lot of interest among the children. The teachers in Year 8 and 9 with their students  will be   working on a mural in front of the school while  our Year 1 and 3 students are changing their classroom into a water cycle platform.Class 4 has also done a water cycle model in their classroom and very interesting to see.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Golf Classes. Learning the next step.

Tyler Rasch improving on his swing.
Tyler in line to have his turn.
Our school golf mentor from Oceania Colf School.

Nicholas working hard on his skills.
Nicholas trying to get his swing right.

Ears and eyes on the coach to learn skills in golf.
Ashwal trying to tee with the help of the coach.

Children waiting for their turns.
Brynal getting ready to hit and awaiting instructions.

Mikaeler trying to her skills.
Tevita our future golf champ. Go Tevita.
Wendy Wong trying her skills.
Future golf professional.

Children working with Water theme.

Children working on their water activities.

Water Resources..Thank you MES for the donation.

Mr Taito and his class displaying their poems on water.

Classes 1 - 3

Moape Vakacola with his best smile.
Master Sileki and Nicholas.
Ranchal posing for our camera.

Cute smile of Zuhayr Khan.
Tevita Vakacola with his English Work.
Nicholas smiling to our camera

Brynal focusing on the camera.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Children of T.A. Learning Centre Private School 2013

Mamanuca Environmental Society (partnering with T.A. Learning Centres)

Mamanuca Environmental Society ( MES) is a non governmental organization based here in the West. TA.Learning Centre is working very closely with this organization in fostering a partnership of learning  in looking after the sea and the resources  it contains.From this partnership we have engaged our teaching around the  themes on :
1. Environment
2. Biodiversity
3. Conservation 
4.Climate and Global Change 
5. Sustainability

Monday, 3 June 2013

T.A. Learning Centre's Fiji Sun Advertisement

The school advertisement that was in the papers on 1st June 2013

Water Day 26/03/2013

TALearning Centre children getting ready for the programme.

Lecture begins.
Mrs Vakacola from Mamanuca Environment Society .

Andre using his reading skills. Great work.
The stage is set for the activities on  World Water Day

Our presenters for the day.
Water Day message

Classes 1,2 and 3 work stations for World Water Day.

Children listening to the messages from Mrs Vakacola..

Girls getting their t shirts ready to print the Water day message.

Zuhayr with his certificate.
Tevita with his certificates.
Fenton Thaggard our head boy receiving his certificates from Mamanuca Environment Staff.
School Coordinators for World Water Day Celebrations.

Roseana with her certificate.
Brynal with his certificate
Mikaeler with her certificate.

Salsabeel with her certificate.

Moape with his certificate.

Ashwal with his certificate.

Quilana with her certificate

Teacher Lusi assisting the children.
Mrs Vakacola of MES helping the children.